Friday, July 15, 2016

2016 St. Louis BUMP Journal

            The Trip- When we left Saturday morning, I don’t think any of us were prepared for how long the trip would be. Despite having experienced a few BUMP trips in the past (for some of us, at least), we were almost all exhausted after the first few hours. Driving to St. Louis, our time was spent mostly with singing, sleeping, and eating our tasty kimbab (thank you parents!). We arrived at the church around 8 p.m. and went to a local pizza restaurant for dinner. By the time we got back from dinner, the church from Iowa had arrived. After meeting them, we started to get ready for bed- getting to know them would have to wait until the next day. 

            Day 1- Sunday morning came all to quickly, as we woke up for breakfast around 7:30 a.m. As service would be starting in 3 hours, we didn’t have much time to clean up our sleeping gear and tidy up the sanctuary (which became our permanent sleeping area). At 10:15 the service started, and we had the privilege of worshipping along with the praise team as well as listening to various church members preach during the service. Throughout this time, we also mingled with the church folk and got to know them better-- saying hello, shaking hands, and hugging. Overall, it was a wonderful experience. The love and appreciation that everyone in the church felt for each other was evident and welcomed. Following the service, we had lunch with some of the church members and learned more about the history of the church. Truly, the church was established through God’s grace. When the founding members didn’t have the money they needed, they received a miraculous series of donations totaling close to $200,000.
            After eating lunch, it was time to prepare for the week. First would be prayer walking and giving out flyers to advertise for the block party we would be hosting. We set out to walk for around two hours, but it was difficult to walk in the blistering heat. However, we all pushed through and persisted through the heat to spread as many flyers as possible. As we walked around local neighborhoods, we not only handed out flyers but also had the opportunity to pray for some of the people we encountered. One instance stands out in my mind- a woman who was laying down in the park asked us to pray for her and her two children, so that she would be able to provide for them.  Following this instance, something changed inside me. I began to ignore the heat and sweat on my body as just one thing became clear in my mind- we had to reach as many people as possible. We continued to walk around the neighborhood and ultimately gave out almost all of our flyers.

When we returned from our prayer walk, a group of us left to take a trip to the Family Dollar store across the street. Little did we know, this would be the first of multiple trips that we would take to restock on candy throughout the week. From that point on, the only thing left to do was eat dinner and prepare for the block party and VBS. Dinner was a nice little sample of St. Louis soul food- fried chicken, sweet potatoes, and green beans. After dinner, the church became a busy preparation ground. Balloon animals, ring toss, face painting, and magic tricks were all being practiced in anticipation of the following day’s party.  It was great being able to get a glimpse of the kids that we would be ministering to. Crafts, skits, and bible study lessons were rehearsed and refined to prepare for our first day of VBS.  After an intense couple of hours, it was time to go to bed.

            Day 2- Monday- the big day! We all woke up Monday morning mentally preparing ourselves for the day’s plans. Following a filling breakfast of rolls and gravy, eggs, and yogurt, we all headed outside to do some yard work in the church’s backyard. There were a variety of tasks that needed to be done, ranging from log splitting and weed whacking to digging up piles of woodchips and weeds. For the most part, the majority of us decided to arm ourselves with pitchforks and tackle or adversaries- the giant piles of woodchips that littered the yard. Working as a collective group, we managed to transport all of the woodchips to one central pile in only two hours (at a cost though, as the work was exhausting). Finishing our work just before lunch, we ate a simple meal of subs and chips before preparing for the block party. With only a few hours to go, we worked on perfecting our responsibilities for the evening. Late in the afternoon, we listened to a church member talk about a very important topic- the significance of the Word in our heart. Afterwards, we ate a quick dinner of tacos and chips before setting up for the bloc party. Around 6 p.m., kids started to trickle in to the block party. First registering for VBS, the kids moved from game to game as they worked to get prizes from the prize table. Working the magic table was one of the most fun and fulfilling experiences I’ve ever had. One girl, Madelyn, came over at the beginning, and after seeing one simple trick she was hooked. She stayed at the table for the rest of the evening.   

            Day 3- Tuesday was the first day we worked out in the community. Both churches split up into two groups. One group went to Sun Ministry and the other at Rise Together Ministry. Those who went to Sun Ministry were able to walk along the streets of St. Louis and experience the culture firsthand with a leader named Terry. He explained the history of the city and his vision. The group that worked at Rise Together was able to help out a local church and organized donations for the ministries thrift store. After a long day of work, some were able to experience Ethiopian culture at a local Ethiopian restaurant. While the food was not for everyone, it was a great experience nonetheless. Starting Monday, a speaker would come and teach about our daily devotional topic. It truly opened our eyes to God’s work in the community of St. Louis. When six o’clock came around, kids started coming in and we started day one of VBS. The kids were quite shy in the beginning but really opened up by closing praise. Following VBS, we gathered as a large group to debrief and discuss how VBS went. Overall, it was a successful day.
            Day 4- Wednesday. This was the one day of the week where we had the chance to explore St. Louis.  We started off the morning by practicing the skit for VBS in the evening. Then we spent a few hours at “The Loop” which is a shopping district. There we at lunch at a yummy restaurant called the Fritz. We all enjoyed root beer floats and a hearty meal. Afterwards, we went to the City Museum and had a blast running the various exhibits. We returned late in the afternoon and again prepared some more for VBS. By this time, the kids started opening up and we were able to see small bits and pieces of their personalities.


Friday, June 10, 2016

30 Days of Prayer for BUMP St. Louis

Join us in prayer as our teams and sites prepare for BUMP St. Louis, July 10th - 16th!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

We worked with Sun ministries Thursday and Friday
VBS was
We had an awesome praise team
David on Keys, Sara on vocals, Travis on Bass Guitar, Mary leading with the acoustic guitar (that week 1 had accidently left and we needed it).  and Joel rocking out the drums.   
 And Robbyn the director who taught us so much. 

Sound booth talent!!!   This was Chad's home for the week.   Robbyn & Jeff were visiting!

Large Group Lesson with Abby, Joel, Karis and Isaac

Some small group shots of us loving on the children...
Ivy and the green group
Audrey leading her small group
Sally and Eva with the "littles"
Jeff and RJ
Several Afternoons we enjoyed singing and time with church members.

After our last night of VBS we spent time together at Ted Drews



Friends from across the country, we hope we meet again.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Friday's VBS

We ended with a great night of Vacation Bible School
Then a treat at Ted Drew’s ice cream.

We are tired!!!
We are blessed!

And we are still sorting through
what we feel,
what we learned,
what we gained,
what we lost
what we are going to miss when we drive away from this place called Jubilee

Part of our group’s heart goes with the Texas friends we now have and I am sure that they feel the same.  
The two groups blended fast and I pray that we  will stay in touch

Just a few more pictures…

Or since it is 350 am I will just go to bed now.   Stay turned

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 2

Working with Sun Ministries...

VBS: a demonstration of energy and adrenaline…

There is so much to say, but for now…

Good night all!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Arrival, Block Party and Prayer Walking

Sunday arrival, so excited and not really sure what was going to happen in the next 6 days, we arrived in time for worship.  When I say we I mean youth from Evangelical Free Church of Bloomington, Normal, IL and youth from Beth El Bible Church, El Paso, TX.   Leadership from both churches had prayed for a blending of the two groups and for new friendship to be formed.  I personally prayed for each student by name and it was fun to put a face with each name. 

In a way that can only be credited to God these 19 students have come together to serve.   Whatever is asked of them, they answer the call and they are amazing.   We also added 2 youth from Jubilee to the mix.   

This is the gang

This was a worship time and when Andy (a church leader) came in to talk with us he just sat in the circle with us.   

It seems like it is moving too fast and I want to savor the moments

Block Party

Our fearless leaders - Robbyn and Jeff - they so enjoyed getting wet!

Two little cuties playing in the water!

Ducks, balloons? We got 'em!

Reggie and Tiffany - our fabulous hosts!

Prayer walking in the neighborhood...

To be continued...

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Last Night

If I could say anything to future bumpers it would be this. Don't show up with any expectations other than the expectation that God will use you in ways you may not know or like. He may grow you in ways you don't expect, and He may challenge you in ways you've never been challenged.

For instance God may impress upon your heart to start to see the harassed and helpless with eyes of compassion instead of judgement.

God may stretch your patience beyond what you thought you could handle with almost two straight days of rain.

He may push you to a deeper dependence on Him as plans change and certain projects fall through.

Who knows what God may do? His ways are not our ways, and it's important to remember that.

You see, unmet expectations can be at the heart of discouragement. Had our students expected certain things they may have easily become discouraged. Instead they simply expected that God would use them, then they made themselves available and God did the rest.

He used them to bless the children in the community through leading a VBS. He used them to further the efforts of Sun Ministries in St. Louis and He used them to bless the local congregation at Jubilee Community Church.

And it was all for His glory and not our own.

Over and out.