Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God is the One true God!

Our day began with a delicious meal of French Toast, scrambled eggs and bacon.  Yes, our Kitchen Coordinator, Ms. Kim is a Kitchen Rock Star!
We spent time with God in a personal time of devotions.  We shared with one another the actions we will take to view those we serve as Christ sees them. Our prayer for today was that we’d have the heart of God for his work.

Our morning work project was to continue clearing the field behind the church.
It was very hot but we stayed hydrated and took cooling breaks.  It’s exciting to see this lot coming together.  We were able to meet some of the young people from the community who asked if they could help because they hate having this overgrown lot in their backyard. Praise God that we are able to serve in such a tangible way.

After lunch, it time was time to put the finishing touches on VBS Prep.
We rehearsed our skits, practiced leading worship, had a training session on delivering the lessons to the kids and rounded up our supplies needed for crafts.  We are so excited and nervous but we are prayerful that God will use us to share Christ with this community.

VBS was to begin at 6:00pm but the first kids came at 5:00pm!  We had a chance to spend time playing and getting to know them. Eventually 23 kids braved the extreme heat to come this evening.
We sang, danced, and taught the kids that God is the One True God!
As we said our goodbyes we encouraged the kids to come back tomorrow!
Pray that they will and that they will bring more friends!

For a special treat and to beat the heat our amazing adult leaders treated Oakwood & Jubilee Youth to frozen custard.  We had a great time of fun and fellowship together!

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