Thursday, July 14, 2011

God Loves Me!

Yesterday morning we worked outside, chopping down trees and dragging them into piles.  A few of the students started working in the garden, a triangle of grass that the church was asked to take care of by the county.  It still needs work, but the teens and the church are willing to do the job.  Behind the church, the work was almost complete, and we just finished cutting down the last of the trees.  They’ve been helping a lot, so afterward we took a much needed hour nap, feeling refreshed and ready for VBS and the energetic kids that were to come.

We started out with worship (which the kids loved) and then Edson and Marlon shared their testimonies with the kids. The bible story was actually a series of stories connecting with Jesus: Adam and Eve, Jesus’ Birth, His Miracles, His Death and Resurrection.  The story was acted out by a few of the teens from Oakwood and the kids really seemed to enjoy it.  Suzette, Nathaniel, Nathan, Isaac, Abbie, Mark, and Caleb, illustrated the skit. I’d like to give credit to all of them; they did such a good job.

I’m Mary, if you were wondering, and I’m just writing this one blog, and I was working in the 6-8 year old class, where we had a total of 16 kids on the first day!  Yesterday we grew to a total of 53 kids, which means the kids are inviting their friends too!  After sharing the story of Jesus we went to our assigned groups and made door hangers in the shape of a cross.  We most unfortunately ran out of time for the game after we ate the snack. After all that we went back to the sanctuary to worship.

The kids really seemed to enjoy worship and they were really good with all the hand motions.  A lot of kids really got into it and some even went on stage and did the motions with the helpers. They really loved dancing and singing. I also need to give a shout out to Suzette, one of our singers, who got laryngitis after the first day. She was still determined to lead the kids with the hand motions even though she couldn’t sing.

 The kids are really energetic, during and after VBS. They won’t let go of you, so you’re constantly being smothered in hugs and piggy back rides until their family comes to get them.  Some of us even got kisses by a cute little boy Aaron, who had leg and hip problems. He was in casts and he unfortunately wasn’t able to participate last year, however this year he was very energetic and had lots of fun.  After they left we went into the sanctuary and went over the whole VBS, discussing what we did well and what we could do better the next time.

  When we were done with that we went to Ted Drewes, again, it was amazing, again. We’ve probably been there three days this week, but it wasn’t nearly as crowded the first time we went there. Ted Drewes makes the best custard I’m sure any of us has ever tasted. We were rather hyper for half an hour and we blasted music in the car.  When we got back to Jubilee we started to calm down and got to bed. 

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