Sunday, July 8, 2012

Reaching into Stillmeadow's neighborhood...

The Baltimore Sun reported today would be the 11th straight day of temperatures "hovering near 100 degrees." Adding insult to injury, the blazing heat follows on the heels of a "historic storm" on June 29th, which left 748,000 customers without power. Stillmeadow EFC was one of those customers.

Initial reports came back that the church may not have power in time for the start of BUMP today. BUMP site leaders and many others from across the country prayed together and on July 4th, days ahead of the expected timeframe, the power returned!

Trials in this area have been great - despite being uncomfortable, those without power lost all their food. Stillmeadow operates a food pantry and God is providing them a way to reach out to their neighborhood. One of the ways BUMP students serve at Stillmeadow is by completing work projects needed on the church. In light of the difficulties of the last week and a half, Stillmeadow is foregoing their work projects so the funds can instead be used to purchase food from a pantry to share with those who have lost much.

Today's story also reported the region's "reward for making it through 11 straight a full week in the 80s." and Baltimore Gas and Electric Company announced today all customer's power is restored!

Praising God for the relief on the way - from the heat, from the lack of electricity and from the lack of food! "Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!"

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