Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Vacation Bible School (VBS) - Day 1

BUMP participants spent the morning passing out food to neighbors who had lost power during recent storms. Folks came by the church to get food and paper goods. Some of our BUMP adults and kids even walked home with some of the residents to help carry the groceries. A few of the Team Leaders made a run to several stores to pick up more supplies for VBS. After lunch, they broke up into teams of 5 or more and hit the sidewalks of the local neighborhoods to pass out more VBS flyers and to pray for the people and the needs in the area.  Some teams would walk one block, stop and pray for all the families and homes they had passed by on that block and continue the pattern as they walked another block. Then there was the final prep work for the first day of VBS.

After the kids were registered, we started the day with our theme song for the week - Drive! which was followed by a skit .  Then the kids broke into groups according to age and went through a rotation of lessons in the sanctuary, crafts, snacks in the Fellowship Hall and games outside.  After that everyone gathered back in the Fellowship Hall for another round of songs.  The New Jersey group led the singing and the Texans joined right in with some fun motions to the songs. The day ended with prayer.  We had 37 kids registered and we even had a few adults come along with them. Not bad for the first day from what we've been told.  Our them is HisScars - Pressing On.

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