Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Cathy Song Student Blog

I have been to many other missions trip but I have not learned as much as I did on this trip. On this trip I have met so many people who has greatly influenced me. I felt so touched by the people in St. Louis. Everyday during and since the trip I think about the people God has brought to me and vise versa. I think about how blessed I am to have the opportunity to meet these people so that I can keep them in my heart and prayers. So as you’re reading this you’re probably wondering who these “people” are. One of them was our “GPS,” we gave him this nickname because he knew the city inside and out. He was definitely one of many influences. I was influenced by how strong his relationship was with Christ. GPS is so thankful and blessed the way he lived; also, his braveness into sharing the Gospel and evangelizing his backyard. Other influences were the people we heard testimonies from the people of St. Louis and what God has done for them according to His plan. I was influenced how God’s grace used the weak to lead the strong. Their testimonies taught me how amazing God’s plan was for them and they had the power to change their old ways and completely surrender to the Lord so they can live in His plan and be happy.

Besides being influenced I enjoyed the whole trip in general. I enjoyed how God has put my team and I in the same plan so that we can get to know each other better, but most importantly get to know God more and grow our relationship with God more with each other.
All in all, this trip has taught me to use this experience, meeting people and bonding with people, use it to share with others in my neighborhood and sow some seed into them. 

- Cathy Song

David Kim Student Blog

BUMP was such an amazing experience, I imagine that statement has been said by many, but it’s so true. I’ve been on my share of short-term missions before, but BUMP was so new to me, it really opened my eyes to the ways God does His work.
On Thursday there was a day where we were able to pray with each other and for each other. It was a wonderful night, because of the tears and the joy also, but mostly because praying is the strongest thing a group of believers can do. When we gather together and pray with one strong and loud voice, the enemy can do nothing but shake in fear because we are calling out to our Lord and Savior, and the best thing is: He listens. That night, all I wanted was His blessings to be poured out on the members of my team. Each and every one of them have had their share of struggles and hardships. However, they’re all smart, bright, young people and they have their whole lives ahead of them. All I could do was pray for them to keep on reaching for God’s light like they were during the trip.
Now that I’m back home, I’m still praying the same prayer. I know all too well the spiritual “low” that comes right after a big mission trip like BUMP. I can do nothing but pray to the Lord that all of the lives of these kids have changed, for the better, and they will continue to walk in the good path of the Lord.

- David Ki

Monday, August 5, 2013

More photos of Work Projects with Sun ministries and VBS.

Met with owner(Elder Kim) of nearby Coin Laundry was a Church Elder from a Korean Presbyterian church.  He did free wash for us!  Praise God.

 VBS -skit

 VBS-Bible Lesson
Students were paying attention!

Prayer Walk in the neighborhood with Theo.

We canvassed the neighborhood for the Monday's(7/22/13) block party handing out flyers.  Theo helped out with prayer walk.

Sunday worship & Monday Block Party!

Attended Sunday(7/21/13) worship service and had wonderful time with Monday (7/22/13) Block Party!  57 Kids came and all the hot dogs and Hambergers that we total about 100 were gone!  Praise the Lord for great turn out.