Tuesday, August 6, 2013

David Kim Student Blog

BUMP was such an amazing experience, I imagine that statement has been said by many, but it’s so true. I’ve been on my share of short-term missions before, but BUMP was so new to me, it really opened my eyes to the ways God does His work.
On Thursday there was a day where we were able to pray with each other and for each other. It was a wonderful night, because of the tears and the joy also, but mostly because praying is the strongest thing a group of believers can do. When we gather together and pray with one strong and loud voice, the enemy can do nothing but shake in fear because we are calling out to our Lord and Savior, and the best thing is: He listens. That night, all I wanted was His blessings to be poured out on the members of my team. Each and every one of them have had their share of struggles and hardships. However, they’re all smart, bright, young people and they have their whole lives ahead of them. All I could do was pray for them to keep on reaching for God’s light like they were during the trip.
Now that I’m back home, I’m still praying the same prayer. I know all too well the spiritual “low” that comes right after a big mission trip like BUMP. I can do nothing but pray to the Lord that all of the lives of these kids have changed, for the better, and they will continue to walk in the good path of the Lord.

- David Ki

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