Friday, July 18, 2014

Climbing like Monkeys

Wednesday morning/afternoon is a time for the teams to have a bit of free time to relax and take a break from all the work they do during the week.  So both teams decided to start the day off at the City Museum.  Both of the teams spent time climbing, sliding, running, and jumping on the various jungle gym contraptions that are housed in the museum, they were all like little monkeys the way they were climbing on everything.

At this point the teams wanted to do different things so they went their separate ways.  Korean Presbyterian Church went to the Science Museum and explore around there. The Oakbrook team explored the St. Louis Arch and got ice cream at Crown Candy.

After the teams got back they went back to work preparing for VBS that night.  The skit people worked on their lines, lesson people looked over their material, craft people got all the supplies ready, and games people made sure everything was ready for the kids when they came.

Once the kids got to VBS they learned the songs and got to find out more about the Pirates of Pizzazz.

"After having our “relaxing” free day seeing the sights of St. Louis, our team felt almost ready to have another night of VBS. It was day two of the week and the kids were going to learn a pretty deep topic: how to forgive others and how to ask Jesus to forgive us. We were worried that we would struggle to help the kids understand the concept of repentance. However, the kids were eager to learn and could understand everything that we talked about. I really believe that the kids are trying to engage and learn." 

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