Monday, July 28, 2014

Last Day

The team's time in St. Louis comes to a close they are going out with a BANG!

As a part of their service project for Friday part of the team stayed at the church worked on some of the cleanup and on the garden lot next to the church.  The other part of the team got the opportunity to help out at the public library by straightening the shelves and shelving books.  It may seem like something easy, but that day the library's shelver had the past couple of days off and it really saved some time for the librarians that were working.

At VBS that night the kids get to see what happens to the pirates and the search for treasure.  It is always great seeing the team members working with the kids and seeing both of them grow in spectacular ways.

It is really great when you see the kids saying goodbye to the team members and telling them that they don't want them to leave.  It shows how much of an impact the team has had on these kids in such a short amount of time.

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