Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hard work and great rewards

Tuesday was a day filled with activities like working with Sun Ministries and VBS later that night here are what two of our team members have to say about the day.

Today was the first day of VBS at the church. Although we did have miscommunication and frustration, the first day was phenomenal. All the kids were so excited to be there and they treated us like we were rock stars. I am super proud of all the leaders and teachers for being so patient because I had some trouble myself and I know how hard it was. I got to pray with a beautiful 8 year old today and at the end of the night, she said that she learned that Jesus died on the cross for our sins because he loves us. I’m so excited that all the kids are actually learning about the amazing thing that Jesus did for us. God is so amazing and gracious. He used us today to spread the word to all the kids and I think they’re all super excited to come back tomorrow; as am I.    -Kylie

Today was our first day of VBS in St. Louis. I knew it was going to be different but I wasn’t prepared for what we encountered,  with help from the Lord everything went well for the first day. I can’t wait for tomorrow, to see the kids again. The kids were so sweet and like Kylie say “They thought we are Rock stars.” My sister Olivia and another girl in my group talked with a little girl and she shared her story with them that alone showed me how much hurt there is in this part of St. Louis.

-Rachel K.

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